US ‘distorted Saddam intelligence’

Spy chiefs were today facing accusations of “worldwide intelligence failures” over the case for war in Iraq.
A damning report by US senators is expected to lambast the intelligence that led to the conflict.
The American version of the Butler Inquiry is due to be published tonight. It will find the CIA distorted or misrepresented intelligence to conclude Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
The findings are the most damaging attack yet on the intelligence used to justify the war and will be a blow for President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Details of the report were leaked less than 24 hours after Mr Blair admitted for the first time that weapons of mass destruction may never be found in Iraq.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is expected to find that the CIA became an advocate of war, rather than an impartial adviser, giving President Bush only the information he wanted to hear.
Although it will find no evidence of direct political interference, it is expected to denounce US spy chiefs, whose conclusions on Iraq’s arsenal have been thrown into doubt by the failure to find chemical or biological weapons in Iraq.

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