Say Hello to Fable! – Draft2Digital

D2D now has access to 650,000 more readers! Looks like there’s the potential for eARC distribution as well. Neat! We’re...

Why I Gave My Professional Book Covers a Makeover

Yes, I’m already looking at new cover ideas. Luckily, you can refresh your covers at any time. Book not selling?...

My 36 Inch King Dick Wrecks Locks! – YouTube

LockPickingLawyer does it again with this great post for April Fool’s Day. Nothing like an 8″ Wang for laying pipe.

Best Fake Crime Movies and TV Shows

I’m a big fan of fake and joke books or fake movies. I use them all the time in my...

Pac-Oceanic Pursuit

What happens when three ghostly octopi get chased by a yellow ROUV? Seriously, I’m asking. Available in various merch on...

The Letterman

To view this content, you must be a member of the D. H. McKee Patreon at $3 or more Unlock...

$10 Reviews Worth It? | eBookFairs’ Editorial Review Service

I watch the Self-Publishing with Dale Podcast from time to time. This one is about an experiment he and some...

Publishing Checklist: ARCs

I’m currently running through a checklist of things to do before getting your book published. One of the things on...

Balancing Tension and Humour

It’s a tough thing to do: blend humour and tension. It’s something I try for in every piece of writing...

How to succeed in publishing*

Hey folks, here’s a great viewpoint on publishing by a favourite writer of mine, A. Lee Martinez. If you haven’t...