War in Iraq != War on Terrorism

The American public has yet to fully discern and perceive the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan as two different national policy objectives since the 911 Commission found no “collaborative relationship” between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda terrorists, according to recent polling data posing the question to the American public.

Most Americans believe al-Qaeda may have worked alongside the regime of Saddam Hussein, according to a poll by Harris Interactive. Sixty-nine per cent of respondents believe the deposed Iraqi leader supported the terrorist network, while 22 per cent disagree.

A Pew Research Center poll, however, showed recently that Americans are beginning to decouple the war in Iraq from the war on terrorism — a belief that could be aided by the commission’s dismissal of cooperation between Iraq and the al Qaeda international terror organization.

Last week President George W. Bush said that his administration “never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and the al-Qaeda terrorist network.

The Presidential Commission members charged with the investigation the 9/11 attacks appearing on Sunday morning talk shows have asked Vice President Dick Cheney to provide any evidence he has showing a strong link between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist network as he and the President have time-and-again asserted throughout the early stages of the Iraqi War effort.

Commission Vice-Chairman Lee Hamilton says the White House and the commission agree on one thing — there’s no evidence al-Qaida and Iraq joined forces in the Nine-Eleven attacks.

The New York Times has called on President Bush to “apologize to the American people, who were led to believe something different.” It labeled as “plainly dishonest” the President’s effort “to link his war of choice with the battle against terrorists worldwide.”


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