Court Crushes Online Journalists’ Rights

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge James Kleinberg ruled that an online journalist’s Internet service provider (ISP) can be required to reveal the identities of the reporter’s confidential sources to attorneys from Apple Computer, Inc. The court rejected a request for an order to protect the confidentiality of these sources and other unpublished materials.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), along with co-counsel Thomas Moore III and Richard Wiebe, is representing the journalist, and will be asking the California Appellate Court to intervene.
“We’re disappointed that the trial court ignored the Supreme Court’s requirement that seeking a journalist’s confidential sources be a ‘last resort’ in civil discovery,” said EFF Staff Attorney Kurt Opsahl. “Instead, the court asserts a wholesale exception to the journalist’s privilege when the information is alleged to be a trade secret.”
EFF: Press Room

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