May The Force Please Go Away

13 reasons to be hugely grateful that “Star Wars,” the king of adolescent space epics, is finally over
Can we just say it? Can we admit it now? Is it finally time?
Here goes: Thank the great Sith Lord above that the massive computer-driven marketing hellbeast that is the overblown “Star Wars” epic is finally over.
There I said it. Can we agree? Because the truth is, this most bloated of megamovie franchises hasn’t been a certifiable cultural phenom, something to get truly excited about, for over 25 years. Admit it now, get it over with, move on to pretty happy things like puppies and porn and sunshine.
Look, I’m sorry, but I don’t care how many gazillions the last three flicks have made at the box office from ubergeeks too old to get “Harry Potter” and too emotionally immature to graduate to real movies. Episodes I-III are mostly one thing and one thing only: huge exercises in CGI acrobatics, manic video games writ large, numbly awful movies full of fine actors reduced to stiff mannequins in bad monk robes and uncomfortable headpieces delivering stone-cold line readings seemingly written by that slightly twitchy tin-eared dweeb who sat next you in fifth-grade algebra, sweatingly.
May The Force Please Go Away / 13 reasons to be hugely grateful that

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