What Tom Cruise Doesn’t Know Might Hurt You

The belief that vitamins can cure radiation sickness, cancer and postpartum depression is a well-established psychological condition that is known widely in the medical community as CFH, short for “completely fucked in the head.” L. Ron Hubbard was CFH. Tom Cruise is also CFH. If Tom Cruise wants to give advice on what makes Katie Holmes hot or what Nicole Kidman likes for breakfast, that’s fine. Write a book about it. However, on behalf of all sane people everywhere, I respectfully request that Tom Cruise and any other megastars with absolutely no knowledge or training in medicine or whatever other subject may be bothering their puny little minds, shut their mouths and keep their stupid, backwards, malformed, mystical, bullshit ideas to themselves.
What Tom Cruise Doesn’t Know Might Hurt You : Mr. Cranky’s Culture War : What Tom Cruise Doesn’t Know Might Hurt You

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