FedEx Furniture Violates DMCA??

Most of us have been there. You can just barely afford to pay the rent. But forget about buying furniture — not if you want to eat, anyway.
Jose Avila recently found himself in just that predicament. Although he has a good job as a software developer, he’s locked into two rents after moving to Arizona, and has no extra cash for an Ikea shopping spree. But instead of scouting street corners for a ratty, unwanted couch, Avila got creative and built an apartment full of surprisingly sturdy furniture — out of FedEx shipping boxes.
Fanciful as his creations may seem, FedEx is not amused. The shipping giant’s lawyers have sent Avila letters demanding he take down the site he created to document his project, invoking, among other things, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (.pdf), or DMCA.
Wired News: Furniture Causes FedEx Fits

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