Mothers expect Damien on 6/6/06

Oh, puhleeeze….
Mothers expect Damien on 6/6/06 – Sunday Times – Times Online
one group of expectant mothers, their due date holds an extra dimension of dread. The prospect of giving birth on June 6, 6/6/06, has prompted talk of spawning devil children on Armageddon day.
A British self-help group that usually exchanges routine tips on parenting has turned its attention to the dangers of a date marked by the satanic symbol.
For Hollywood and the worldwide entertainment industry it is by contrast a once-in-a- century opportunity to turn evil into gold. Leading the charge is 20th Century Fox, whose remake of The Omen, the classic 1970s horror film, will appear on June 6.

Slayer, one of Americaâ..s most popular heavy metal rock groups, will start its Unholy Alliance tour, subtitled Preaching to the Perverted.
Crown Forum, a US publishing giant, has seized on 666 as the perfect date for the launch of Godless, a new anti-liberal political polemic by Ann Coulter, a prominent right-wing columnist.
And inevitably the internet is awash with frenzied doomsday debate and 666 speculation, all reflecting Americaâ..s continuing obsession with angels, devils and the possible nature of heaven and hell.

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