Simple Ways to Get Responses to Your Queries

Here’s some advice to give your queries an edge. One thing I’d add to this list is that you should always adhere to the query guidelines. If the agent asks you to use specific wording in your subject line, pay close attention. As one who parses a lot of emails in lists, I like to look for the outlier … and delete it.

1. Make your subject line clear and distinctive. If you’re a published author, a bestselling author, if you have a mystery, a romance, an offer of representation make it clear in the subject. Adding more than just query can help your query stand out. Even if all you have to add is the title of your book. It’s very common for the title alone to be a deciding factor in why a book is first requested. Just ask Sally MacKenzie, author of The Naked Duke.

Check out the full article at: BookEnds Literary Agency

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