VATICAN: Evolution Sync with Bible

It may not make the “creationist” crowd very happy, but their attacks on evolution might have to stop. According to...

UN casts record vote against US embargo on Cuba

Nearly every country in the world joined on Tuesday to urge the United States to lift its four-decade old economic...

Judge Weighs Evolution Arguments

A federal judge is contemplating whether the mandatory teaching of “intelligent design” improperly promotes religion in schools, after the historic...

Out of a Bad Spy Novel

The men from the pages of a bad spy novel throw people they don’t like into secret prisons that officially...

Methodist Church court defrocks lesbian minister

The highest court in the Methodist Church yesterday defrocked a lesbian minister in Philadelphia, and reinstated a Virginia pastor who...

Berlusconi: ‘I tried to get Bush to not invade Iraq’

In an interview to be broadcast today in Italy, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, one of George Bush’s closest allies, said...

Mind your W’s and Q’s

A Turkish court has fined 20 people for using the letters Q and W on placards… CNN International

A Letter To Condoleezza Rice

Dear Dr. Rice Please accept my greetings and best wishes for your personal and professional success. First an admission: I am opposed to the U.S. policy in the Middle East. I am not opposed to the whole U.S. foreign policy, but rather to that part of it that concerns our region. As such I consider myself a closer ally of the U.S. than Tony Blair. Also, many members of my immediate and extended family are American citizens. My two brothers, sister, their children, my mother and son are all American citizens. And they are good citizens; they don't indulge in double loyalty.

What Rice Can’t See

[Condoleezza] Rice’s parents tried their best to shelter their only daughter from Jim Crow racism, and they succeeded. Forty years...

CIA leak illustrates selective use of intelligence on Iraq

The grand jury probe into the leak of a covert CIA officer’s name has opened a new window into how...