Soldier wounded in Iraq feels cynical

One day a nurse came in to ask Rodgers if he wanted to meet President Bush, who was visiting the...

Santorum’s Flip-Flopping on Intelligent Design

Via Atrios, we see that Rick Santorum “differed Thursday with President Bush’s support for teaching an alternative to the theory...

Homeland Security To Launch RFID Systems At Border Crossings

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will install radio frequency technology at five border posts with Canada and Mexico to...

Leading Republican differs with Bush on evolution

A leading Republican senator allied with the religious right differed on Thursday with President Bush’s support for teaching an alternative...

Angry Mom Protests President

She said she decided to come to Crawford a few days ago after Bush said that fallen U.S. troops had...

Iran’s new leader rejects nuclear pact

IRAN signalled a confrontation with the West yesterday by rejecting a European Union offer to help it to build a...

IRA announces an end to 35 years of armed struggle

The Irish Republican Army said today it was ending its armed campaign and ordered its members to dump their arms...


Now is a superb time to get that abortion you’ve been putting off. Officially, Supreme Court nominee John Roberts’ opinion...

U.S. military admits error (lying?) in news releases

In both statements, the military quoted an Iraqi calling the attackers “enemies of humanity” and vowing to “take the fight...

Patriot Act Made Permanent

The House voted Thursday to make permanent most of the key provisions of the USA Patriot Act, the sweeping law...