FBI Says It Has Files on Rights Groups

“I know for an absolute fact that we have not been involved in anything related to promoting terrorism and yet...

China threatens nuclear attack on U.S. over Taiwan conflict

A Chinese general said Beijing might respond with nuclear weapons if the United States attacked China in a conflict over...

It doesn’t look good for Karl Rove

As the scandal over the leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity has continued to unfold, there is a renewed...

Democrats attack Bush aide over CIA leak charges

It’s treason, I say! Send him to Gitmo! US News Article | Reuters.com The White House faced fierce questioning on...

Rove’s lawyer acknowledges he was Time reporter’s source

Top White House aide Karl Rove discussed a former US ambassador and his CIA agent wife with a Time magazine...

Blair rejects calls for probe into bombings

Tony Blair will on Monday reject Conservative demands for a government inquiry into last week’s London bomb attacks, insisting such...

London bomb blasts on Google Maps

Check out this map for a detailed placement of the bomb blasts in London. As of right now, the blasts this morning have claimed the lives of at least 37 people and injured some 700 others. london_bomb_blasts_map.jpg

Car bombs kill lawmaker, U.S. soldier

Interestingly, the part that describes US troops killing an Iraqi Television News Director is buried in the body of this...

US Troops Kill Journalist in Iraq

US occupation troops killed an Iraqi television director, Tuesday, June 29, 2005, when he drove near a US convoy, colleagues...

Bush’s Iraq Speech: Long On Assertion, Short On Facts

Standing before a crowd of uniformed soldiers, President Bush addressed the nation on June 27 to reaffirm America’s commitment to...