Prisoner Deaths in U.S. Custody

Using information provided by the military and documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union, The Associated Press compiled a...

Chavez casts himself as the anti-Bush

President Hugo Chavez has recently accused President Bush of plotting to assassinate him, made suggestive comments about Secretary of State...

The Flawed Report on Dan Rather

A few weeks ago former Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and Louis Boccardi, former head of the Associated Press, released their...

NORML: Analysis Of US Marijuana Arrest Data

US marijuana policies, which rely primarily on criminal penalties and law enforcement, are wholly ineffective at controlling the use and...

Egypt scorns US ‘democracy’ claim

Egypt has rebuffed President George W Bush’s claim that democracy is fast gaining ground in the Middle East. Foreign Minister...

Pakistan: Disgraced Scientist Gave Centrifuges to Iran

Abdul Qadeer Khan, the disgraced scientist dubbed the father of Pakistan’s atomic bomb, provided Iran with centrifuges that can be...

Israel rejects charges in journalist killing

Israel has closed the case against soldiers accused of gunning down a British cameraman in the Gaza Strip, drawing charges...

Shootings by U.S. at Iraq Checkpoints Questioned

The deadly shooting of an Italian intelligence officer by U.S. troops at a checkpoint near Baghdad on Friday was one...

Italian Journalist Shot in Iraq Rejects U.S. Account

The Italian reporter wounded when American troops opened fire on the car carrying her and Italian secret service officers to...

China: U.S., Japan stay out

China’s Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing has warned Japan and the United States against interfering in internal matters, especially when it...