Amnesty Condemns U.S. for War on Terror Torture

The United States has failed to guard against torture and inhuman behavior since launching its “war on terror” after Sept....

US looks set for a sequel to the 2000 vote debacle

The Democratic and Republican parties have warned that it could take weeks to decide the Nov. 2 election and have...

Bush’s relatives are voting Kerry

“Bush Relatives for Kerry” grew out of a series of conversations that took place between a group of people that...

Pat Robertson faults Bush on Iraq deaths

George Bush suffered an embarrassing rebellion in the ranks yesterday when the founder of the conservative Christian Coalition said the...

Without Fanfare, Bush OKs Corporate Tax Cuts

Without fanfare, President Bush signed into law on Friday a nearly $140 billion corporate tax cut bill derided by both...

What Everybody Doesn’t Know About Mary Cheney

Mary Cheney: Somewhere out there she exists, the actual Mary Cheney, child of the nondisclosed location, the one who’s the...

A strident minority: anti-Bush US troops in Iraq

With only three weeks until an Oct. 11 deadline set for hundreds of thousands of US troops abroad to mail...

36 percent of Canadians say U.S. is not a worthy model for democracy.

Two weeks before the U.S. election, hostility toward President George W. Bush has reached new heights internationally. A joint poll...

Kerry’s Undeclared War

Kerry’s adversaries have found it easy to ridicule his views on foreign policy, suggesting that his idea of counterterrorism is...

Head of gay GOP group accuses GOP of ‘attacking gays’

The head of the nation’s largest gay and lesbian Republican group slammed fellow Republicans Friday for “feigning outrage” over comments...