Wrath runs high in Iraq toward US WMD report

A US report on Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which cleared Iraq of possession of such arms, triggered...

Scoring the Second Round

It was one of the most powerful moments of the debate. Dick Cheney listed the many votes John Edwards missed...

Iraqi Arms Threat Was Waning, Inspector Says

Charles Duelfer, the chief U.S. weapons investigator in Iraq, told Congress today that Saddam Hussein destroyed his stocks of chemical...

Bremer says US makes two major mistakes in Iraq

The former US high-ranking official in Iraq has said that the United States failed to deploy enough troops in the...

Rumsfeld: Al-Qaeda remarks ‘misunderstood’

U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said he was “misunderstood” when he claimed Monday night that there was no “hard evidence”...

See Bush Debate. See Him Squirm

Watching George W. Bush on the hot seat is painful. When he gets that fawn-in-the-deerjacker’s-light look, you feel for the...

World take on U.S. presidential debate: First round to Kerry

Sen. John Kerry scored points against President Bush on the Iraq war during their televised debate, but both men avoided...

Whose ‘Retreat And Defeat’?

The Bush campaign finally has a response to John Kerry’s Iraq critique that doesn’t involve the word “flip-flop.” The new...

Judge disarms Patriot Act proviso

A key part of the USA Patriot Act that allows the FBI to secretly demand information from Internet providers violates...

Something rotten in the state of Florida

Pregnant chads, vanishing voters… the election fiasco of 2000 made the Sunshine State a laughing stock. More importantly, it put...