Wait, what about Sarah Palin?

Whoa. Dude, no you didn’t. YouTube – …….. Stephen Colbert: Sarah Palin is a Fucking Retard

Zuckervati Magazine

I’ll admit, there were times I fancied myself a writer. I even once thought the idea of getting published in...

William Shatner Reads Sarah Palin Farewell Speech

Testify! YouTube – William Shatner Reads Sarah Palin Farewell Speech

Should this be the next cover of Time?

I don’t know, but I’ll tell you one thing: I want a print of it. Zina Saunders at Drawger

The (really odd) lies of Sarah Palin

But who doesn’t tell a fib once in a while? In fact, I’m lying right now. Palin lied when she...

McCain linked to Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi

Barack Obama John McCain has been linked to Rashid Khalidi and subsequently Bill Ayers by his own campaign staff. Way...