Rodriguez Avoids â..Clash of the Titansâ.
I think this would be kind of cool. Too bad it’s just a rumour.
Rodriguez Avoids â..Clash of the Titansâ.
Rumorland was buzzing with word that Robert Rodriguez was set to direct a remake of The Clash of the Titans, but now, according to Ainâ..t It Cool News heâ..s officially off the project. Rodriguez reportedly â..lovedâ. Lawrence Kasdanâ..s script, but the producers wanted to go as soon as possible, and with the advent of the writersâ.. strike, and a potential actorsâ.. strike on the horizon, Rodriguez wanted to work on his own projects right now. AICN notes that apparently quite a few people in the business are raving about Kasdanâ..s script, but then again, with the strike one day old, they could well just have forgotten what a good screenplay looks like and are just hallucinating like thirsting travelers lost in the desert. Or it could be really good. Weâ..ll see.