Space LEGO Memories

My brother sent me this link. It’s a link to some classic LEGO space ships. We used to play with LEGO when I was a kid, and the space Lego was the best. This was back when Star Wars was really big, and everybody was getting into space-themed stuff for toys, just to keep up with the big demand. I think I was 8 years old when these came out.
My brother got the Space Cruiser, and I had the Galaxy Explorer (my stuff always had to be bigger and better than my brother’s — sorry about that Steve). The Galaxy Explorer had a little docking bay in which you could drive a little space buggy. We used to build alien bases, with the grey crater sheets, and space landing strips — the green base sheets were totally Verboten. We’d fight space wars, and smash each other’s ships, and play for hours. Those were the rare occasions in which we didn’t watch television.
(sigh) I miss all that space LEGO. We had a lot of fun with it.

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