Breakfast from Hell

Careful. It’s poison. Okay, it’s not really poison, but you’d probably have to drink oil to flush this shit out, and that’s poison. Swanson, producers of some of the world’s fattiest TV dinners, is seeking to take over the breakfast market with a new line of microwaveable morning meals. It’s called the ‘Hungry Man All Day Breakfast,’ and it’s threatening to turn people into manatees…
Holy shit. Holy holy HOLY shit. 64 grams of fat, 2,090 milligrams of sodium, and enough cholesterol to kill anything that’s ever lived. The ‘justification’ is that you’re supposed to eat shitty food in the morning, as it supplies you with a suitable amount of energy to get through the day. Unfortunately, Swanson’s supplying you with enough ‘energy’ to get through a week, and even if the only other thing you ate after this breakfast was oxygen, there’s still a relatively high chance that your ass will grow hands and tie your intestines in knots to prevent this shit from ever passing through. Really, really awful stuff.

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