Beer Day in Vic Park!

Went to the (ribfest and) craft brewing extravaganza at Victoria Park this weekend. Pretty delicious beers there, and I drank my fill without getting trashed. Something to be said for charging a buck for a tiny little juice glass of beer. Well, the variety was amazing, and that more than made up for the whole trip. Not too bad of a day, weather-wize. Sat out in the sun for what seemed like hours and avoided getting sunburnt. I avoided eating anything there, since everything was drenched in meat fat, probably including the corn-on-the-cob and roasted yams. Went across the street to the Vic Park pavilion with the Leader, and grabbed a plate of yummy fries. Yes, beer and fries. The Fatkinstm diet.
A bunch of us met up at my place, and threw together an ad hoc BBQ, where we resumed drinking, to a much civilized end, and an early evening. The unfortunate part was that I had a beer token left over. It has “no cash value” printed on the side of this coin of undetermined metal, so I’m unlikely to get a fair price at the local pawn shop.
Actually, this coin reminds me a bit of myself — no cash value. At least, not right now. I’m totally tapped out after all the little (and big) purchases for the house.

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