South Africa denies plans to cancel Christmas

South Africa has denied a media report that it plans to cancel Christmas.
The Sunday Times newspaper ran a banner headline “Christmas may be cancelled” above a story quoting a task team evaluating the number of public holidays as warning no holiday should be regarded as sacred in multi-racial, multi-faith South Africa.
“I would like to reassure all of you that there is no such report which has been tabled before me,” Home Affairs Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula told a parliamentary committee on Monday in response to the article.
“There has not been that recommendation.”
Last year the Advertising Standards Authority banned a Post Office advertisement asking children to write to Santa Claus, saying it was “profiting from the natural credulity of children” and perpetuating “a falsehood that could break the fragile spirits of the already disillusioned youth of South Africa”.

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