PublicIp’s ZoneCD – revisited

Been looking at the latest build of the Linux wireless gateway software from the folks at PublicIP. They’ve done some pretty cewl things with it since I last had a look, including allowing users from one zone access to other zones with the same username/password, as well as storing configurations on USB drives — since the whole thing boots from CD, you can store individual customizations on a USB drive so that it picks them up on a reboot.
You can also control bandwidth for different kinds of users. That’s the best part. I can open up my wireless network, but allow only certain ports, and I can filter content as well. Such is the price of free, anonymous internet around my house.
Now I just need them to build in support for the USR wifi card I’ve got sitting around… This way, I don’t need a separate wireless router. Either that, or they should support Orinoco cards. If you get a chance, check them out at I believe this project could be a great and free alternative to the pay network that’s cropping up in Waterloo.

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