Did anyone hear anything about an anti-war protest?

I sure as hell didn’t, except for the Washington Post headline — that this was the biggest protest since the beginning of the Iraq war. Strange how other things got higher news rankings. Sure there were the hurricanes and the ID/evolution trial, and famous comic actor Don Adams passed away, but this was pretty big news (or so I thought). In fact, at the time of writing, Google News had nothing about it at all on the front page.
“It’s reasonable to estimate that more than a quarter of a million people demonstrated against the Iraq war on Saturday in Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other U.S. cities. The next day, the Washington Post front-paged a decent story that described ‘the largest show of antiwar sentiment in the nation’s capital since the conflict in Iraq began.’ But more perfunctory back-page articles were typical in daily papers across the country. And over the weekend, many TV news watchers saw little or nothing about the protests.”
– Norman Solomon, The Media and the Antiwar Movement

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