Deadly Design Makeup Artistry

Pin up girl meets zombie.

3 Responses to “Deadly Design Makeup Artistry

  • So I was wondering how you obtained my site and thanks because you give me a second hit for my website, but what the heck is Zuckervati and why are you here and posting ppls website? just curious thats all 🙂

  • This is Zuckervati. Look, I’ll be honest. It was Lederfrau who put this post in. She likes finding cool websites. I guess she just came across your work and thought it would be neat to tell the world about it. And by “the world”, I mean this very small group of people who tune into my site. Not a very big world at all.

  • ohh thanks well tell the world 🙂 I like to get my name out there. Thanks 🙂 and I hope that if you are one of those people in the world click onto my site you will not be dissapointed. 🙂