Criteo AutoRoll Widget

This is kinda interesting, so I installed it to see what other blogs would start showing up.
Criteo AutoRoll Widget
AutoRoll is a new widget for bloggers — a blogroll of your readers. It’s a widget that displays links to the blogs that your readers are visiting the most often.
How does it work?
They trace the number of visits of each unique reader on each blog that has installed AutoRoll. The more often a reader visits a specific blog, the greater his affinity is with this blog.
What are the benefits for you?
First of all, you will provide your readers with a very entertaining blogroll since it’s based on other readers with similar reading habits. Moreover, you will attract highly qualified incoming traffic to your blog. Indeed, as other similar blogs display your blog on their AutoRoll, they will feed you with new readers that have a strong affinity for your blog.

One Response to “Criteo AutoRoll Widget

  • Thanks for helping us spread the word about AutoRoll! Please be sure to let us know what you think of the results. 🙂
    Brandon Watts
    Criteo Evangelist