Maoist Movie Reviews

Hee hee. Someone’s seriously reviewing films with a Maoist perspective. Emphasis is added below.
MIM’s Maoist movie reviews

“Blade Runner” is similar to the movie “Brazil” (1985) in this respect. The protagonist in each movie is the enemy socially speaking since they are both economic parasites and doing government or police work of some kind under capitalism. It is not because of their line of work that they seem to be oppressed (in fact, they are not oppressed), but because they live in a society that glorifies individualism at the same time it subjects everyone to the capitalist state and seemingly invincible economic and social forces. This reviewer would not go as far as saying that everyone in the world has an interest in the revolution, but it remains a “paradox of oppressor cultures that many of the parasites themselves face empty lives which seem out of their individual control.”(1) In this context, “Blade Runner” has the potential to neutralize some parasites politically. It depicts the angst and despair of some Euro-Amerikans who live in a “dystopia” that bears an uncanny resemblance to today’s deeply antisocial society, but it does not suggest that most Euro-Amerikans are oppressed economically.

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