Bell Canada Throttles Wholesalers

… without telling them. This has apparently been confirmed on DSL Reports forums, and Bell’s justification is that this is part of their TOS.
Bell Canada Throttles Wholesalers, Doesn’t Bother To Tell Them –

Users of the Canadian family-run ISP Teksavvy have started noticing that Bell Canada is throttling traffic before it reaches wholesale partners. According to Teksavvy CEO Rocky Gaudrault, Bell has implemented “load balancing” to “manage bandwidth demand” during peak congestion times — but apparently didn’t feel the need to inform partner ISPs or customers. The result is a bevy of annoyed customers and carriers across the great white north.

One Response to “Bell Canada Throttles Wholesalers

  • wholesale traffic
    16 years ago

    Yes, Bell Canada did not advise their wholesale ISP customers of the project, or its pending implementation, it creates a lot of problems to their ISP customers that have come to expect unlimited high speed downloads.
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