Removing a Tree

The amount of rain we’ve been getting this summer is astounding. I’m pretty sure we haven’t had two days back-to-back without rain. As a result, all the vegetation has been growing like crazy, and getting heavy with moisture. The other day, after a particularly heavy downpour which sent rain in sideways through slightly-open windows to cover the bedroom floor with water, I went to the garage/studio to check for water damage. I’ve been keeping some of the front windows open to keep some air flow in the studio. While there was no water on the inside of the studio, I did notice a large amount of vegetation against the back casement window.
Apparently, the heavy rains and wind had saturated and blown over a branch from this large maple tree that comes into the yard from the neighbouring property. This branch is huge (about 30 feet long, but it didn’t come crashing down through the studio roof. It merely came to rest upon it. So I’ve had people in this week to clear it out.
The studio is intact, and the branch is gone. Now to clean up the yard.
I considered taking care of it myself, but it is over 20 feet above the ground, and looked like too big a task for one person. These guys came in and had it out inside of two hours. They were pros.

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