What about the Higgs Boson?

Here’s a graphic which pretty much sums it up.
All clear? No?
Then try this out:

Basically, it’s like this: Sub-atomic particles are either fermions or bosons. Fermions are the things you learned about in high school physics — electrons, protons, neutrons and so on — that share the quality that you can’t have two of them in the same space on an atom. Think of them as the billiard balls: they can be all over the table, but not in the same space at the same time, and where they go is determined by the size of the tables. Most of the widely-known fermions are composites made up of other categories of sub-atomic particles, like quarks (which combine to form protons) and leptons, but the most important thing to know about them for the purposes of this discussion is that they are considered the matter particles.
Bosons are different.

Good? No?
Hmmm, try reading this article then:
Still Confused About the Higgs Boson? Read This – Garance Franke-Ruta – The Atlantic

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