5 Tips for Writing About Fictional Technology

A helpful little article on how to write Science Fiction tech. For those who don’t know how to write about...

Isaac Arthur YouTube Channel

Are you a fan of Science Fiction? Like writing about future worlds, advanced technology, and the possibility of alien life?...

Banned book: Wool

If you’ve not read Wool by Hugh Howey, you may want to get on it. Yes, a large omnibus of...

Why’s a Meter a Meter?

Or why’s a metre a metre? A very interesting video from SciShow. Apparently, the definition of a metre/meter has been...

The Last Light Before Eternal Darkness – White Dwarfs & Black Dwarfs – YouTube

Another awesome video from Kurzgesagt. Makes you feel big and significant, doesn’t it? (via www.youtube.com)

One Second to Change Your Life

A thought-inspiring video from Thunderf00t, showing the relative distances between our planets, and how slow the speed of light actually...

What about the Higgs Boson?

Here’s a graphic which pretty much sums it up. All clear? No? Then try this out: Basically, it’s like this:...

Population Genetics – A Crash Course in Biology

With finger puppets. And math! Population Genetics: When Darwin Met Mendel – CrashCourse Biology #18 – YouTube

The Most Astounding Fact about the Universe

This is indeed a most astounding fact, as described by Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The Most Astounding Fact (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)...

Uncanny Valleygirl

For those who want a Japanese robot decoy girlfriend. Japanese Robot Girlfriend – YouTube