Posts by D. H. McKee

Pirates die strangely after taking Iranian ship

Anybody ever watch Kiss Me Deadly? The Times – Pirates die strangely after taking Iranian ship A tense standoff has...

Nothing like checking and debunking some popular urban legends. Here are just a few: Q: How can Panamanian-born McCain...

â..Blade Runner 2â.. Script??

â..NOOOOOOOOOO!â. Aside from Blade Runner, how about a list of films least likely to require sequels? Penn & Teller Get...

RIAA loses $222K verdict

What a twist! The RIAA now has zero wins at trial, says Wired. RIAA loses $222K verdict against Jammy Thomas...

Roger Ebert doesn’t like John McCain

That’s OK, Roj. I don’t like him either. Guess who’s not coming to dinner :: :: News & comment...

$700 billion bailout plan fails …

… and we get to blame Republicans if the economy fails: More than two-thirds of Republicans and 40 percent of...

Pandora Radio needs your help

From the Pandora blog… Pandora: CONGRESSIONAL EMERGENCY!!! Listeners we need your help… NOW! After a yearlong negotiation, Pandora, artists and...

H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival

You can be the Film Guy from Yuggoth (snort). H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon | The only festival that...

James Earl Jones *is* Darth Vader

What if we used some of James Earl Jones’ other performances for Darth Vader’s lines? Hilarity ensues, along with a...

Man eats hot sauce, dies

Every time I sell a bottle of my own homemade sauce, I worry about seeing these headlines. Aspiring chef dies...