Godless coins worth a mint

An unknown number of new George Washington dollar coins were mistakenly struck without their edge inscriptions, including â..In God We...

Monkeys Pirates Ninjas

It’s what it’s all about, baby. Yes, maybe we need some new memes. Monkeys Pirates Ninjas Outrunning the Meme Police

God: Republican or Democrat

Sure we’d all like to believe in the one on the right, but …. The Pain – Latest

Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test

Arr, this scurvy meme just came down the InterTubes… Damn this formatting! a Pirate You scored 5 Honor, 4 Justice,...

Jurisprudence Fetishist Gets Off On Technicality

That lovely headline was pulled from The Onion’s archive. I wanted to use it after working on a couple of...

DVD Flick: burn your avi files to DVD

DVD Flick aims to be a simple but at the same time powerful DVD Authoring tool. It can take a...

The Versatile iPhone…

Iphone : les fonctions cachées !!!Uploaded by valere54 Video Iphone : les fonctions cachées !!! – apple, iphone, ipod, itunes,...

Super Bass-O-Matic 76

YouTube – Super Bass-O-Matic 76

History Channel Program on Dark Ages Insults Atheists

An Atheist civil rights group is protesting advertisements for a program slated to air this Sunday night (March 4, 2007)...

The Top 10 Sentences From Third-Rate SF Stories

Heheh. 5> You could tell it was a real UFO because there werenâ..t any wires holding it up and it...