The Artic Meltdown Speeds Up
The numbers are straightforward. In the past 50 years, air temperatures across the Arctic Ocean have climbed by as much...
The numbers are straightforward. In the past 50 years, air temperatures across the Arctic Ocean have climbed by as much...
Welcome to Florida, but avoid arguments or thanks to a new law you run the risk of getting shot, according...
Wouldn’t it be neat, they ask, if we could nab bin Laden via teleportation? In “Star Trek,” the characters traveled...
Since there is no content, there is no “controversy” to teach about in biology class. But here is a good...
From the Canadian Psych Association, no less… CJP – June 2005 – Flashback: Psychiatric Experimentation With LSD in Historical Perspective...
Saw this funny image during a search. I was wondering if the anti-cancer properties of cherries somehow neutralized the apparent...
… and have a web browser opened to this page …. A unique website for people desperate to disconnect themselves...
OK, so this is pretty nerdy. However, if you really need to make some accurate calculations, you might want it....
Nice looking house. I’m sure I could find a few things to do. My Boring Ass Life � A Peek...