The Artic Meltdown Speeds Up

The numbers are straightforward. In the past 50 years, air temperatures across the Arctic Ocean have climbed by as much...

Florida Law: Gun owners can shoot anyone in a public place

Welcome to Florida, but avoid arguments or thanks to a new law you run the risk of getting shot, according...

Geek Wrapping Paper

Heheh. Awesome. geek_wrapping_paper.jpg

Military examines ‘beaming up’ data, people

Wouldn’t it be neat, they ask, if we could nab bin Laden via teleportation? In “Star Trek,” the characters traveled...

Is Intelligent Design a “Hoax”?

Since there is no content, there is no “controversy” to teach about in biology class. But here is a good...

Psychiatric Experimentation With LSD

From the Canadian Psych Association, no less… CJP – June 2005 – Flashback: Psychiatric Experimentation With LSD in Historical Perspective...

Mmmm, Delicious Cancer

Saw this funny image during a search. I was wondering if the anti-cancer properties of cherries somehow neutralized the apparent...

When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Get Off the Phone

… and have a web browser opened to this page …. A unique website for people desperate to disconnect themselves...

Pi to 1 million decimal places

OK, so this is pretty nerdy. However, if you really need to make some accurate calculations, you might want it....

Kevin Smith’s Boring-Ass Life

Nice looking house. I’m sure I could find a few things to do. My Boring Ass Life � A Peek...