Video Review: Brazilian Star Wars

When Italy remade Star Wars (Star Crash, 1979), they turned the character of Chewbacca into a sexy, sexy woman in...

Weblog ping services

Given the sheer number of weblogs that exist, and more importantly the number of those that could be dead, knowing...

File-sharing law to be tabled next week

The federal government will introduce new legislation aimed at toughening up copyright laws in the digital world, CTV News has...

ACLU to challenge Utah porn-blocking law

Opponents of a Utah law that requires Internet service providers to offer to block Web sites deemed pornographic will file...

Microsoft censors Chinese blogs

Chinese bloggers posting their thoughts via Microsoft’s net service face restrictions on what they can write. Weblog entries on some...

Flag Etiquette in Canada

Canada has some pretty specific rules about flags too. Here’s all you need to know. Flags are symbols that identify...

Urban Legend: An American flag should be burned if it touches the ground

False. One of the signs of creeping old fogeyism is finding out how many of the irrefutable truths we learned...

Skeptic’s writings chalenge ‘baloney’

2,000-year-old palm seed germinates

Israeli scientists say they’ve succeeded in growing a sapling from what’s believed to be the oldest seed ever germinated —...

Miyazaki’s Castle Crumbles

Similar to Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, Hayao Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle is a sumptuously illustrated fairy tale with a...