Michael Bay to direct “Transformers”?
Oh God, no! Transformers update: footage fake, but Bay’s totally stoked – Cinematical According to Bay, the last six months...
Oh God, no! Transformers update: footage fake, but Bay’s totally stoked – Cinematical According to Bay, the last six months...
Lovecraft Story Translates to Acclaimed First Film. Did I go to film school? No, I was actually finishing up a...
Tolkien hated Narnia: the two dons may have shared the same love of unquestioning feudal power, with worlds of obedient...
I’m sorry, but … Duh! Narnia’s lion really is Jesus – Sunday Times – Times Online AN unpublished letter from...
Exploding zombie heads, orgy scenes and Madonna being, well, Madonna. It's the stuff that was too gross, too raunchy or just too sick for you to see. All these clips have been banned by someone, somewhere. But we've got 'em here...in all their uncensored glory.
Nearly two years after Pixar topper Steve Jobs first announced that the CG animation studio was parting ways with Walt...
Shares of Pixar headed firmly into double-digit percentage gains before the midway point, and continued on a steadily upward climb...
What a shock! I had bets on Kelley and Nimoy.
George Takei, who as "Star Trek's" Sulu was part of the Starship Enterprise crew through three television seasons and six movies, has come out as a homosexual in the current issue of Frontiers, a biweekly Los Angeles magazine covering the gay and lesbian community.
This is neat. A list of MacGuffin examples from various films and TV shows. What’s a MacGuffin/McGuffin, you ask? Well...
The essential American soul,” D. H. Lawrence once wrote, “is hard, isolate, stoic and a killer. It has never yet...