Plaintext Test Post

Curious Results from Blogging Plugin

Update: I’m trying to determine what’s broken in my Movable Type plugin. It may be something my new BB Q10...

Testing automated entries

Had a problem just in the past couple of entries, where images would load properly, but the accompanying text didn’t...

Testing the System

Here’s a picture of my mouse.

Merging Blogs

Taking all my Zuckervati blogs and merging them up in the dot-com domain. Hopefully, this will make it a bit...

Test Entry for New Blog

Here is some text… Working on merging the various blogs together into one mega-blog with an easy URL. Here’s a...

Excuse the mess

Just trying on a few new styles. Sprucing up the old place, so to speak.

Blogging is Not Dead

And here’s a picture of a keyboard to prove it. Seriously, though. I suck at blogging these days.

PostOffice Plugin Test

Trying to get the moblogging operational again. This was a fun part of the blog.

New server seems fine

Had to replace the cd-rom drive, but otherwise, it’s totally schway.