Officials Say Gonzales Has Resigned

Officials Say Gonzales Has Resigned – Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned, officials said Monday, ending a monthslong standoff with...

Quebec police admit agents posed as protesters

Because sending undercover officers with rocks into a non-violent protest is the best way to maintain order. – Canada...

Police accused of using provocateurs at summit

Here’s the video to go with this: – News – Police accused of using provocateurs at summit Protesters are...

The official word on Iraq by Bush

Thanks to Daily Kos for the link. Emphasis mine. Otherwise, words from the President, directly from the Whitehouse. The U.S....

Anti-Gay Republican: Blacks Responsible For His Soliciting Gay Sex

How many Republicans has it been now? Gay News From State Rep. Bob Allen (R), a longtime foe of...

Bill O’Reilly gets pwnd by Daily Kos

Oooh, and the Falafel Boy is down. Daily Kos: Bill O’Reilly Says He Will “Destroy” Daily Kos Today First,,...

Homeland Security to get highly personal data from UK

Oh, for crying out loud. Alarm at US right to highly personal data | UK News | The Observer The...

Memoirs from the Neocon Cruise

A very creepy account of a cruise full of Conservatives. AlterNet: Neocons on a Cruise: What Conservatives Say When They...

The Iraq war is lost

Smart people know this already. The Iraq war is lost | Salon On May 30, the Coalition held a ceremony...

Pot growers are “terrorists” now

And there we have it folks. Next, pot users will be terrorists too. Let’s just use the t-word for every...