Bush admin. can’t stop Oregon suicide law

The Bush administration cannot stop doctors from helping terminally ill patients end their lives under the nation’s only physician-assisted suicide...

13 most corrupt members of congress

And there’s even 2 Democrats listed… Beyond DeLay :: 13 Ethically Challenged Members of Congress Over the past year, the...

The Impeachment of George W. Bush

Finally, it has started. People have begun to speak of impeaching President George W. Bush–not in hushed whispers but openly,...

Democrats thrash Alito

Democratic attacks led by Bay State Sen. Edward M. Kennedy left Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito unflappable yesterday â.. but...

Is Bush off the wagon?

BottleOfBlog: Out With The Old Drunk, In With The New The dude is a serious boozer. He hasn’t given up...

Impeachment chances loom for Bush

The NSA’s domestic surveillance program is not the only offense with which the president could be charged. The House Judiciary...

Cobb County disclaimer stickers being removed

Found these on dailykos.com. Apparently they’re officially unconstitutional. Daily Kos: Cobb County Evolution Sticker Update…

Bush contradicts himself about wiretaps

In 2004, Bush said the following (gathered from the White House website): “Now, by the way, any time you hear...

Intelligent Design Loses in Dover Case!

“Intelligent design” cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district, a federal judge said Tuesday, ruling...

Vegans are terrorists, apparently.

â..The FBI should use its resources to investigate credible threats to national security instead of spending time tracking Americans who...