America: Bomb builders or peacemakers?

It is rare for an American president to devote an entire speech to the problem of nuclear proliferation. But in...

Kerry 3, Bush 0

Apparently under strict orders from his wife, President Bush stood up straight last night and avoided those dreaded scowls. He...

100 Mistakes for Bush to Choose From

A handy reference guide for Bush, in case the question comes up tonight: During a prime time press conference on...

Democratic Voter Registrations Being Trashed

Employees of a private voter registration company allege that hundreds, perhaps thousands of voters who may think they are registered...

Sinclair: Weapons of Mass Deception

By ordering its stations to pre-empt their prime-time schedule to air an anti-Kerry film, SBG has drawn the country’s attention...

War Without Reason

The official rationales for the war in Iraq now lie in tatters. Earlier in the week, the CIA and Defense...

Debate on the Internet: Was W wired?

An image that flew around the Internet last week showing a boxy bulge in the back of President George W....

Bush ‘Aided in TV Debate by Transmitter’

George Bush’s campaign team have played down reports that the president was fitted with a transmitter to allow him to...

Bush and Kerry criticize each other, polls change

The roles have been flipped in the latest AP presidential poll. John Kerry has taken a slim lead over President...

Michael Moore illegally offered underwear in exchange for voting

The Michigan Republican Party is asking four county prosecutors to file charges against filmmaker Michael Moore, charging that he illegally...