The X-tian’s Guide to Small Arms

The Christian’s Guide to Small Arms was developed in response to the fact that most American Christians have fallen into...

US frenzy over used laptops

A rush to purchase $50 used laptops has turned into a violent stampede, with people getting thrown to the pavement,...

MMOG romance ends in divorce

So what’s more important to you – the roof over your head or the characters you’ve created in your favourite...

Cartoon Character Skeletons

I can’t stop looking at them. They’re really freaky… Michael Paulus :: Skeletal Systems Animation was the format of choice...

Crucified nun dies in ‘exorcism’

Members of the convent in north-east Romania claim Maricica Irina Cornici was possessed and that the crucifixion had been part...

The Tale of the Mad Feces King

This is a great story. Reminds me of my college days. Leshy’s Page What follows is the highly disturbing tale...

Court says gay man can drive

A Sicilian court condemned road authorities Monday for suspending the driving license of a man after finding out he was...

Man With Bloody Chain Saw Let in to U.S.

Gotta hand it to the Americans for their keen work on the “War Against Terrorism”. Can’t even detain a guy...


Cool. I’ll help them pack their bags. What? They’re not really leaving? ChristianExodusDOTorg is moving thousands of Christians to South...

The Star Trek connection

A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows...