RSA-576 Factored

On December 3, the day after the announcement of the discovery of the largest known prime by the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search on December 2 (MathWorld headline news: December 2, 2003), a team at the German Bundesamt f�r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Federal Bureau for Security in Information Technology; BIS) announced the factorization of the 174-digit number

1881 9881292060 7963838697 2394616504 3980716356 3379417382 7007633564 2298885971 5234665485 3190606065 0474304531 7388011303 3967161996 9232120573 4031879550 6569962213 0516875930 7650257059

known as RSA-576.

RSA numbers are composite numbers having exactly two prime factors (i.e., so-called semiprimes) that have been listed in the Factoring Challenge of RSA Security�.

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