Repairing on the Grand

With any luck, I won’t have to come in late again for a conference call, or to look at some customer’s servers. Last night I had to be in to do a conference call with the Philippines. Since they’re about 12 hours ahead, we called them at 9:30am their time.
I’m hoping I don’t have to go back in later because I’ll probably be picking up a new canoe tonight. What makes it better is it’s a free canoe. Well, okay, I should qualify it by saying it’s a “new” and “free” canoe. It’s actually pretty old, and while the body is ok, the thwarts need replacing. Also, the seats, the yoke, and the gunwales too. And it needs two new decks. But, otherwise, it’s a free canoe. The owners were just going to throw it away! My estimate is about $100 for the gunwales, $50-60 for each seat, $100 for the yoke and thwarts together, and some marine-grade screws. Assuming it doesn’t need any body work, I put the total cost around $300 plus a little elbow grease (and maybe some headlight fluid). A new canoe might run $2200, and a used one (if I’m lucky) would probably go for a grand, so this isn’t a bad deal, really. It also gets me to learn more about marine repairs — useful for when I’m yachting across the Pacific some day. It also improves my vocab. R said she had never heard the word gunwales used as much as when I was throwing it around.
(via Blackberry)

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