Stylistics have arrived

The Stylistics (that’s Fujitsu Stylistic 1000s) have arrived! Well, it’s not all that exciting, especially since they didn’t ship with power supplies, batteries, or stylii. Or any PCMCIA cards. So, I went to the store and bought a $160 universal AC notebook adapter (which I’m going to return) and plugged it into these little boxes to see if they would actually boot — or POST, if you will; there’s no boot device. They all work. And I think I can buy a couple Fujitsu AC adapters online for $12 each, so that’s not such a problem. There are even some sites which detail how to get Linux or FreeBSD on the little guys.
But for now, I’ve got three 2kg paperweights. One of them even has 16MB of RAM in it! I had a spare Intel P4 sticker, so I put it to use. Makes it look fast. They’re actually AMD DX4/100 chips.

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