New server and MT Beta testing

I’ve been busy getting a new hosted server online, and it’s still a few weeks away from going live. I’ve got to tweak some settings and burn it in. I’ve switched to FreeBSD 6 just to keep myself limber, and it seems to be fairly responsive, and also easy to configure, especially since I use it at work.
The hardware itself isn’t anything big — a Dual PIII/1000 with 2GB RAM and 4x40GB hard drives arranged in a hardware RAID 0+1 array. Nothing too gutsy, but better than my current system, and more redundant, seeing as it’s an off-site solution, and about 2 hours away.
I’ve also been testing out the latest beta (RC4, actually) of Movable Type. It’s still got some bugs to work out, and it crashes Opera if I try to upload an image, but it’s got some new features. If/when they get it stabilized, I’ll probably look into upgrading. It’s got a more advanced dashboard, and has some neat flash pages to show live statistics. There are other goodies, such as the ability to batch edit pages (so I can add keywords into all those old posts), and it now categorizes image assets, and even allows you to publish static pages, unrelated to blogs, but with the same dynamic stylesheets. It’s going to make me a lazy HTML coder. Most importantly, it should fix some of the commenting nightmares I’ve had with the old blog.

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