Why you should add Gravatars to your Blog

… or “Why you should add Gravatars to your WordPress Blog”. Sheesh. Blah blah blah WordPress. This guy devotes a total of one paragraph to the “why” of using gravatars and the rest of the time going on and on about how WordPress will help get them all across the Web. And he keeps capitalizing “gravatars”, unlike the actual Gravatar website.
But I’m hip to new things. Took me 5 minutes to set it up on Movable Type, the non-Wordpress platform I use. So big deal. I now have gravatars.
Why you should add Gravatars to your Blog

Gravatar stands for globally recognized avatar. It essentially provides an easy way for blog commentators to attach their own image to comments all across the web.

Avatars are a great way of encouraging more participation on your blog as it allows your readers to express themselves with their own picture or image. With more and more people using the Gravatar service it makes sense to make sure your blog comment area supports it.

One Response to “Why you should add Gravatars to your Blog

  • See? Gravatars. I put in a default one in case you don’t have your own.