How to cook the perfect steak

Differing opinions on what cut to select, how to prep it for cooking, how to cook, and what to serve it with. All good information.
How to cook the perfect steak – Features, Food & Drink – The Independent

Squeeze some lemon into corn oil, throw in some crushed garlic and brush a little on one side of each steak. This is to stop it from sticking to the steaming grill.
Use a cast-iron griddle pan â.. the heavier the better â.. and heat it until droplets of water evaporate in about three seconds. You don’t want to burn the steak and for me the most important thing is for the pan not to be too hot. Cooking on a large grill like we do at Gaucho or on a griddle at home gives a much better flavour than frying.
Lay the steaks oil-side down and sprinkle a mixture of table and sea salt on the side facing up. You can put as much salt as you want to on to the meat as it will only take in as much as it needs.
Only turn the meat once. How long you cook it for depends on its thickness â.. for a medium-rare thick steak leave for about three-and-a-half minutes per side, but the side covered in salt will take a little longer.

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