Posts by D. H. McKee

Escalating Ice Loss Found in Antarctica

Hey, does anyone else have a bad feeling about this? Escalating Ice Loss Found in Antarctica The new findings come...

Hobo Soup

Yes, Hobo Soup. Hobo Soup

Senator’s Inquiry Into Megachurch Money

What would Jesus buy for his marble-topped commode in his vacation house? AlterNet: Senator’s Inquiry Into Megachurch Money Hypocrisy Sparks...

How to merge your blogs to one site

Yeah yeah. I know. Shut up already. So I have about a dozen blogs. So what? My Blog and Podcast...

The Wagyu Beef Project

In my quest to sample the most exotic foods I never got to try while I was a vegetarian (long...

Fifty years later, does America need a stupider motto?

Good satire of America’s ridiculous motto. Straight Dope Message Board – Fifty years later, does America need a stupider motto?...

Noir films to see

Great list (by no means complete) of Films Noirs from MetaFilter. I’ve only seen about half of these. How could...

Allegro Non Tropo excerpt with Bolero

Parts 1-3. While we were in Cancun, they kept playing Bolero over the P.A. system during cocktail hours. I joked...

Curse you Mohammed Bear!

I’ve named both my cats Mohammed. And my car. And my new laptop. And my pirate costume. Cectic – Forever...

AV Club interview with Nina Hartley

Nina Hartley’s awesome. She always seemed to be in control of herself and her environment, and it made her all...