Posts by D. H. McKee

Atheists are Muslim extremists??

More “Whaaa?” from the U.S. In this case, it’s CNN’s “discrimination against atheists” segment — without any atheists present. Biggest...

electron love theory

These guys have a cool, sad sounding way about them. Dreamy ambient soundscapes with a heavy techno influence. And you...

Viacomâ..s Cease and Desist Letters â.¦ for Home Videos?

Stipulate that Jim Moore holds all rights in his video, and Viacom none. And stipulate further that Jim Moore is...

Light and Flakey DSL

So, Internet is still flakey, despite having Bell come out and look at everything, changing a broken DSL card, and...

Getting new submissions in from MusicSubmit

If you’re wondering what these new players are that are showing up in blog entries, I’ve started getting new submissions...

Awesome skateboarding robot

Dude, this is whack!

Earless Terrier

Experts say they have never seen anything like Weasel the border terrier cross – and hope he can find a...

FedEx refuses shipments of empty cans, sugar, water

I imagine he said because he couldn’t bring himself to say, “It’s the *words* that are *on* the containers that...

Recipe: Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate truffles are traditionally made with ganache shaped into rough spheres by hand and covered in cocoa powder. The powdery...

Sally Cooper

Just found this pretty fantastic jazz singer, Sally Cooper. Her initial song took me aback, since I wasn’t really expecting...