Posts by D. H. McKee

Bush should obey Geneva Conventions

President George W. Bush should stop flouting federal and international law over the legal status of detainees in U.S. custody...

Firefox Officially Reignites Browser Wars

The Mozilla Foundation today officially released its open-source browser, Firefox 1.0, but the news won’t come as a surprise to...

Arctic Melting Fast; May Swamp U.S. Coasts by 2099

Scientists have determined that the ice in Greenland and the Arctic is melting so rapidly that much of it could...

Squeezing jello in Iraq

The much-anticipated US-led offensive to seize the Iraqi city of Falluja from anti-American Iraqi fighters has begun. Meeting resistance that,...

Fans flock to buy sci-fi epic “Halo 2”

There’s a new media king, only he isn’t on the radio or in the movies. His name? Master Chief. His...

Schroedinger’s Palestinian

It seems that Yasser Arafat has finally achieved a quantum state. Something most humans can only dream of.

Image Magick test

So I can’t seem to get ImageMagick to work with jpeg images, on account of it appears to fail when...

More yelling

More getting yelled at by my customer. This time, they were on handsfree, with a loud IBM server in the...

Bush should push election reforms

The lesson of the 2004 election is that we still haven’t fixed our democracy. While our post-election limbo lasted less...

Global Warming Poses Serious Threat to Arctic

Global warming in the Arctic is proceeding at almost twice the rate of the rest of the globe, according to...