Saul Bass version of Star Wars credits

Very very cool. Makes me want to see the film again. This was apparently a school project. The song is...

Quebec woman dies during kinky sex

Ironically, this is one of my top 10 ways of hoping to die. Quebec woman dies during kinky sex: police...

Harper could axe “offensive” productions

Crazy bill C-10 got inadvertantly passed into the senate with an overlooked provision that would allow the Canadian Heritage Minister...

Leap year cocktail

Excellent. A new drink especially for today. From Slashfood. This cocktail was created by Harry Craddock for the Leap Year...

Fun with Lasers

Picked up a sweet red/green laser pointer from ThinkGeek. It was originally for artistic projects, and pointing at things, but...

Canadian man gets first eyeball tattoo

Yikes…. Not for the squeamish. And I had laser eye surgery. Canadian man grosses out world with first eyeball tattoo...

Tsingtao to become new Budweiser

Very cool. Tastes just like Budweiser, so why not? Next thing, we’ll all be swearing in Chinese, and flying spaceships....

Paper Howl’s Moving Castle

Very cool. Now all they need is a wind-up action toy version of this. Howl’s Moving Castle papercraft on Flickr...

Black Crowes Say Maxim Review a Fraud

What? Fraud? Just because he reviewed an album without listening to a single note? Pfshaw. The Associated Press: Black Crowes...

Universal Generic Personalized Religious Hate Mail

Now you too can be hateful and intolerant against a wide variety of groups. Leader Global Operations – Leader Universal...